Dates Apple Milkshake

Dates Apple Milkshake

Dates and Seed Milkshake is a yummy and refreshing shake. This calcium-rich energizing shake is made with all-natural ingredients and has no added sugar. Addition of 31 vital nutrients from Prohance Mom powder including essential mixed carbohydrates, dietary fiber, high-quality proteins, and DHA, makes it an immunity booster for women.

  • 1 Medium glass toned milk (200 ml)
  • Half cup chopped apple (65 g)
  • 4 Medjool dates (16 g)
  • 3 Scoops Prohance Mom powder (30 g)
  • 2 Tablespoons white til (23 g)
  1. Deseed 4 dates.
  2. In a blender add white til and blend to a fine powder.
  3. Add Prohance Mom powder, chopped apple, dates and pour toned milk.
  4. Blend to a smooth consistency, refrigerate, pour it into a glass and serve.
Nutritive Value Per Serving - 1 Medium glass of 160 ml

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